Book your ticket from Karpathos to Heraklion
Find the best fares from Karpathos to Heraklion

An unforgettable flight experience from Karpathos to Heraklion
Book your flight tickets with SKY express for your next flight from Karpathos to Heraklion, and choose the fastest-growing airline with the newest fleet that flies towards a sustainable future.Â
Enjoy your flight to Heraklion International Airport "Nikos Kazantzakis" (HER) and Heraklion, the "metropolis" of Crete, in all the comforts provided to you by SKY express, such as free premium snacks and beverages of your choice, comfortable ergonomic seats and a calm and safe flight environment.
Travel to Heraklion, the capital city of the largest Greek island: an enchanting place, pure and at the same time vibrant, one of the most historic cities of the Mediterranean region, the birthplace of the Minoan civilization and hometown of El Greco and Nikos Kazantzakis. Allow yourselves to become mesmerized by the pristine beauties of Heraklion and marvel at the generosity and hospitality of its residents. Cross and marvel at the majestic Venetian walls, wander the picturesque narrow streets of the city and don't forget to try out the delicious traditional dishes and drink raki, taking a taste of the daily life and overall lifestyle of the local population.
Book your tickets with SKY express and fill your bags with the most dreamy images, tastes and memories, which will be forever imprinted in your mind.
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