Book your ticket from Athens to Syros from €90*
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An unforgettable flight experience from Athens to Syros
Book your flight tickets with SKY express for your next flight from Athens to Syros, and choose the fastest-growing airline with the newest fleet that flies towards a sustainable future.
Enjoy your flight to the State Airport of Syros "Dimitrios Vikelas" (JSY) with all the comforts provided by SKY express, such as free premium snacks and beverages of your choice, comfortable and ergonomic seats and a calm and safe flight environment.
Travel to Syros, the Aristocrat of the Aegean and the Lady of the Cyclades... A diamond "born" in the heart of the Aegean, enchanting anyone who visits it with its dazzling beauty. Syros has an amazing landscape that harmoniously combines Cycladic and Venetian architecture. Just imagine whitewashed houses combined with colorful mansions and large churches, surrounded by Cycladic nature! Dreamy, right? Ermoupolis, the capital of Syros, is an architectural gem! Colorful mansions, neoclassical buildings, imposing orthodox churches and squares create a scenery right out of a postcard! Seduce yourself from the neoclassical beauty of Ermoupolis and walk through the narrow streets of the picturesque Ano Syros, the Catholic center of the island. Admire a typical Cycladic town with whitewashed houses, which will amaze you! Apart from Syros's amazing architecture and history, its beaches are another part to explore.
Book your tickets with SKY express and fill your bags with the dreamiest images, flavors and memories that will be etched in your mind forever.
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