Book your ticket from Athens to Skiathos from €57*
Find the best fares from Athens to Skiathos

An unforgettable flight experience from Athens to Skiathos
Book your flight tickets with SKY express for your next flight from Athens to Skiathos, and choose the fastest-growing airline with the newest fleet that flies towards a sustainable future.
Enjoy your flight to the State Airport of Skiathos, "Alexandros Papadiamantis" (JSI), with all the comforts provided by SKY express, such as free premium snacks and beverages of your choice, comfortable and ergonomic seats and a calm and safe flight environment.
Known for its stunning beaches, natural atmosphere, cosmopolitan aura and vibrant nightlife, Skiathos, this idyllic Aegean island, and the sparkling diamonds of Sporades have all the conditions to give you the most perfect holiday!
With over 60 beaches, Skiathos can offer you everything - from moments of tranquillity and isolation to the wildest day at the island's beach bars! Experience Skiathos through its history, admiring the imposing Bourtzi, as well as the medieval castle of the island. Taste the delicacies of the place in one of the restaurants you will find in the city! Enjoy the nightlife of Skiathos in one of the crowded bars of the island and experience unique moments of liveliness, dancing and carefree moments! Feel the heartbeat of the island, Papadiamantis Street, which will entice you with its cafes, restaurants, bars, taverns and elegant boutiques.
Book your tickets with SKY express and fill your bags with the most dreamy images, flavors and memories that will be etched in your mind forever.
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