Book your ticket from Athens to Naxos from €46*
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An unforgettable flight experience from Athens to Naxos
Book your flight tickets with SKY express for your next flight from Athens to Naxos and choose the fastest-growing airline with the newest fleet that flies towards a sustainable future.
Travel to Naxos, the center of the Cyclades, the heart of the Aegean. The largest of the Cycladic islands and perhaps one of the most beautiful islands in the Aegean, Naxos is an earthly paradise waiting to be discovered.
Naxos breathes history! Apart from its impressive monuments, Naxos has a beautiful natural landscape, as it is the greenest island of the Cyclades. Chora of Naxos, the main town of the island, is a wonderful blend of Venetian and traditional Cycladic architecture. Above the Cycladic whitewashed houses of Chora dominates the imposing Venetian castle, which exudes a medieval charm. As for the beaches, they are considered one of the best in the Cyclades.
Explore Naxos, this magical, unpretentious summer destination.
Book your tickets with SKY express and fill your bags with the dreamiest images, flavors and memories that will be etched in your mind forever.
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