Book your ticket from Alexandroupoli to Sitia from €91*
Find the best fares from Alexandroupoli to Sitia

An unforgettable flight experience from Alexandroupoli to Sitia
Book your flight tickets with SKY express for your next flight from Alexandroupoli to Sitia, and choose the fastest-growing airline with the newest fleet that flies towards a sustainable future.
Enjoy your flight to the Municipal Airport of Sitia “Vitsentzos Kornaros” (JSH) with all the comforts provided by SKY express, such as free premium snacks and beverages of your choice, comfortable and ergonomic seats and a calm and safe flight environment.
In the eastern part of Crete, you will find the enchanting Sitia. A place that seduces anyone who visits and invites them to explore it inch by inch. Sparkling, blue beaches, unique archaeological sites, exotic palm trees, fascinating images of nature and very welcoming and happy people are some of the elements that will make you fall in love with Sitia. Wander the city, stroll its narrow streets, listen to the everyday life and habits of the locals. Relax on the beach of Sitia and be amazed by the spectacular views from this spot to the whole city. If you are one of the travelers looking for more excursions, Sitia can be your base to visit the beaches around the area and enjoy waters as clear and blue as those you see on postcards! For lovers of history and art, Sitia also has many attractions to reward you.
Book your tickets with SKY express and fill your bags with the dreamiest images, flavors and memories that will be etched in your mind forever.
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