Book your ticket from Athens to Mytilene from €53*
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An unforgettable flight experience from Athens to Mytilene
Book your flight tickets with SKY express for your next flight from Athens to Mytilene and choose the fastest-growing airline with the newest fleet that flies towards a sustainable future.
Enjoy your flight to the airport of Mytilene "Odysseas Elytis" (MJT), the "muse" of the Northeastern Aegean, with all the amenities provided by SKY express, such as free premium snacks and beverages of your choice, comfortable and ergonomic seats and a calm and safe flight environment.
Admire the magnificent Mytilene, which stands embraced by two hills. Mytilene is a place out of a painting - built amphitheatrically, among seven beautiful, verdant hills that end up in its natural harbor, the city consists of old neighborhoods and picturesque suburbs, while it's neoclassical buildings and archaeological monuments bear witness to the rich heritage of the island. Wonderful mansions, stone houses and impressive churches complete the picturesque scenery of the city, while many cafes and taverns are located along the waterfront with stunning sea views and delicious dishes from the local cuisine of Lesvos.
Apart from its historical aspect, Mytilene is considered a perfect choice for relaxing holidays for couples and families with children. The "heart" of Mytilene, its historic center, is ready to offer you numerous options for food and entertainment so that you can get to know the place better through the eyes of the locals. And of course, we can't help but talk about the wonderful pristine beaches of the island, with their crystal clear blue waters, which will give you unique moments of relaxation and tranquillity.
Book your tickets with SKY express and fill your bags with the dreamiest images, flavors and memories that will be etched in your mind forever.
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