SKY express ERA Board Member
Ankündigungen02.02.2022SKY express was solemnly elected by the majority of the members of the General Assembly of the powerful Association that promotes the positions of the aviation sector in the European institutions
SKY express was elected as Board Member of ERA at the first General Assembly after the pandemic, which took place on November 25 in London.
This is a major international recognition of the dynamic course of the company not on-ly in Greece but in Europe as well. It is also an important channel of communication of the Greek and Cypriot positions in the aviation market at the decision-making centers.
The timing of SKY express' election is crucial as it coincides with significant develop-ments in aviation and the ongoing debate over the reduction of the environmental im-pact and sustainability.
ERA, one of the sector’s most important organizations, represents 56 airlines and more than 150 companies operating in the European aviation market.
During the Meeting, the focus was on issues related to the return, security and sustain-able development of the sector. Issues directly related to EU targets such as those set out in the EU Sustainable Aviation and Carbon Emission Pact in 2030 and 2050.
Ms. Vasso Christidi, General Manager of IOGR / SKY express, assuming her duties as a member of the Board of ERA emphasized in her speech "Our airlines' pandemic jour-neys - surviving a global crisis” among other things that: “We warmly thank our col-leagues for their trust. Together with the other members of the Council we will work for a new era of optimism of green aviation in Europe. Three Greek concepts shall be the core around which the future of aviation can be redesigned. First, the Pandemic and the les-son of joining forces in a time when everyone is affected. Second, the Climate with a view to the environment and sustainability. Third, the Dynamism for our restart after an unprecedented crisis".
As stated by Montserrat Barriga, Director General of ERA: "It is with great pleasure that I welcome the new members of the ERA Board of Directors, as well as those who have been re-elected. In this difficult period, that the aviation industry is going through, the continuous support and commitment of our members has even greater value. We are in a strong position to meet the current and future challenges with a Council that has significant know-how in the industry. "
The aim of the event was to promote and provide new impetus to a sector that has been severely affected, paving the way for sustainable recovery within the EU Destina-tion 2050's fundamental goal of transforming Europe's landscape and improving avia-tion environmental performance.
About European Regions Airline Association (ERA)
The European Regions Airline Association (ERA) was founded in 1980. It is a non-profit organization representing 56 airlines and around 150 companies operating in European aviation. It is the only institution whose members come from the whole range of companies related to European aviation. The aim of the organization is to promote the interests of European airlines in the European institutions in terms of shaping the policy, social and economic footprint of the industry and its environmental commitments.
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